NyQuil is a popular choice for relieving cold and flu symptoms, combining various ingredients to provide comfort and aid sleep. However, the fact is that some OTC medications, like NyQuil, can impact drug test results. While it seems that a simple cough syrup would not affect drug screening, some ingredients in NyQuil can be detected. These ingredients might appear on tests, leading to confusion or false positives. It is important to know how NyQuil affects the drug test results. This will help you better plan for a drug test, engage the testing administrator, and let him/her know the medications that you are on.

How does NyQuil cause a false positive in a drug test? We break down the details in the information below.

What is a False Positive Drug Test?

A false-positive drug test occurs when a drug screening incorrectly detects a substance that is not present in the body. This error can result from cross-reactivity with other substances, testing inaccuracies, or particular drug and food interactions.

The most popular type of tests for drugs are the urine tests because of their low cost and simplicity of the procedure. They are designed to identify as many substances as possible, including cannabinoids, opiates, alcohol, and stimulants. Saliva tests are another popular method known for their non-invasive nature and effectiveness in identifying recent drug use. These tests are helpful when you want to get a rapid test. However, they have a shorter detection window than other tests.

Hair follicle tests have a longer window period than other tests, which may detect drug use in the last 90 days. These tests can give a false positive result if there is cross-contamination or if you come into contact with drugs through the environment or other drug users.

In cases of a false positive result, other tests, like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), are used to give more accurate results and eliminate the errors. These tests are particular and can distinguish similar substances, which paints a better picture of drug use.

Doxylamine can be detected in your system for 4 to 5 days, depending on the amount taken. It has a half-life of about 10 to 12 hours. This is because, after 10 to 12 hours, the body will expel half of the drug. The time that doxylamine is detected in your body depends on:

  • Your metabolic rate
  • Your weight
  • Liver health and
  • The amount of the drug you take

These factors strongly affect the rate at which your body metabolizes and eliminates the drug.

Why NyQuil Might Lead to a Failed Drug Test

NyQuil, an over-the-counter medicine used to treat colds and flu, has been known to cause a failed drug test because of its ingredients. One of the main ingredients, dextromethorphan, or DXM, is a cough suppressant that will appear in a drug test. DXM tends to produce false positive results, especially in tests that are meant to check for hallucinogens or similar substances. If you take high doses or consume DXM over an extended period, the effects are identical to those of illicit substances, thus complicating test results.

Dextromethorphan is generally considered safe when used at the recommended doses found in over-the-counter (OTC) medications. DXM is a potent antitussive at these lower doses that controls symptoms without nasty side effects. However, you should follow the dosing guidelines provided on the medication packaging to avoid potential issues. Problems typically arise when patients take DXM in higher amounts than recommended, which can lead to misuse or abuse. At elevated doses, the drug can induce hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, and other psychoactive effects that are not related to the drug’s therapeutic use as a cough suppressant. Abuse of DXM harms the user’s health. For instance, it may cause cognitive dysfunctions, make the user prone to addiction, and have other adverse effects.

The body can metabolize DXM in a way that leads to a false positive result of PCP (phencyclidine) in some drug tests. Even though this is not a widespread occurrence, it is possible in some cases because DXM and PCP share similar chemical properties.

Diphenhydramine is another product ingredient. It is an antihistamine that is likely to affect drug tests. It may be flagged in screenings to detect a wide range of substances or if the test is specifically sensitive to antihistamines. This can result in a false positive result, especially if the drug test is not finely tuned to distinguish between the different substances.

What to Do If NyQuil Affects Your Drug Test Results

Some conditions may compel you to take a drug test, including pre-employment examinations, legal issues, and medical examinations. Knowing that certain over-the-counter medications like NyQuil can cause false positives, it is necessary to ensure the test results are accurate and free of misunderstanding. It is expected to get a false positive because of the chemical composition of NyQuil and its ingredients, which resemble substances targeted in drug tests.

If you cannot avoid taking NyQuil before the test, you can take some measures to reduce the chances of getting a false positive result. Another crucial process is notifying the testing facility about all the medications taken recently. Giving details, including the name of the drug, the dose administered, and the span the patient has been using the drug, helps the administrator understand the possibility of cross-sensitivity and, therefore, minimizes the chances of giving a wrong interpretation.

Besides notifying the testing authority, you should also read the labels of any medications doctors could recommend you take. Some of the compounds in NyQuil, like dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine, may sometimes produce a positive reaction during drug tests. It is important to know these components in advance so that if complications arise, you will be aware of them.

You should tell your employer or the relevant authority about your medication use for more accuracy. Transparency at this stage is helpful to avoid creating unnecessary misunderstandings and unwarranted misinterpretations of test results. Should a false positive still occur, it is possible to ask for another test, for instance, GC-MS, that can separate legal drugs from illicit ones to give you accurate results.

How to Address and Resolve Incorrect Drug Test Results

In case you fall victim to a wrongful drug test, it is important to follow specific measures that will help ensure a fair resolution. You should start by approaching the institution that administered the test and asking for a review of the results. Alternatively, you can appeal the results of the tests. It is also essential to bring any prescription, prescription labels, or other proof of use of any medications or substances, as this will significantly affect the test outcome.

The Medical Review Officer (MRO) is crucial in these circumstances. The MRO is responsible for reviewing the drug test results and determining if legal medication or a medical condition could have caused a false positive. They will call you to ask about your medication use to confirm the accuracy of the results. Providing detailed documentation, including prescription information, over-the-counter medication labels, and notes from your healthcare provider, helps the MRO understand your situation thoroughly.

If the initial results are positive and you believe they are wrong, it is vital to follow up consistently with the testing facility and the MRO. It is also important to keep all the concerned parties informed to ensure that your case is being appropriately reviewed. If the result has a legal consequence in your employment or other legal issues, consulting a lawyer will help. You should document all interactions and paperwork you will engage in to solve the conflict.

Common Medications and Substances That Cause False Positive Results

Nyquil is not the only drug whose ingredients could result in a false positive. Many familiar substances and medications can cause false positives on drug tests. This could result in negative repercussions if they are not adequately explained. These include the following:

  • Secondhand marijuana smoke — If you are exposed to secondhand smoke in places where people use marijuana for an extended period, then you are likely to get a positive test for THC.
  • Diabetes medications (Metformin) — Metformin, a type 2 diabetes medication, may lead to a positive result for amphetamines when not present.
  • Antidepressants (Sertraline) — If you are using sertraline (Zoloft), you may have a positive benzodiazepine in the drug test.
  • Antipsychotic drugs (Quetiapine, Chlorpromazine) — If you take quetiapine (Seroquel) or chlorpromazine, then you can test positive for methadone or amphetamines.
  • Weight loss pills (Phentermine) — You should know that while taking phentermine, it may give a false positive for amphetamines since the two are chemically related.
  • Poppy seeds — Consuming foods that contain poppy seeds, like bagels, can cause a false positive for opioids as they contain minute amounts of morphine and codeine.
  • Mouthwash containing alcohol — The mouthwash with alcohol should not be used if you undergo a breathalyzer or blood alcohol test since it will give you a false positive.
  • HIV medication (Efavirenz) — Some effects of drugs include a false positive for marijuana when you have been taking Efavirenz, which is an HIV medication.
  • Antibiotics (Rifampin) — Rifampin could lead to a positive opiate test. Hence, the use of the antibiotic is dangerous.
  • CBD Oil — This means that even if you use CBD oil that has been marketed as ‘THC-free,’ it may contain what is referred to as a ‘trace level’ of THC, which may lead to a false positive for marijuana.
  • Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine) — If you use diphenhydramine (Benadryl), you might test positive for methadone or PCP.
  • Coca tea — Consuming coca tea can result in a positive reaction to cocaine because the tea has alkaloids that are similar to those in the drug.

Impact of Drug Test Results on Employment and Criminal Cases

In employment-related drug tests, for instance, employers are known to keep their failed results secret. They only disclose this information to authorized personnel in the organization. However, if you work in a safety-sensitive position, for instance, the transport sector, then your positive drug test result might need to be reported to government agencies. Employers typically retain these results for a few years, though the exact duration can vary by industry and employer.

On the other hand, drug tests that are taken in connection with a criminal case can become part of the public record. If your drug test result is used in criminal prosecution, it could appear in court documents or other public records, depending on the nature of the case. This public access could lead to wider exposure of your results.

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Nyquil, like any other over-the-counter drug, can lead to a positive drug test, primarily due to substances like dextromethorphan and antihistamines like diphenhydramine. Although these substances are used for legitimate medical purposes, they can remain in your system long enough to be mistaken for street drugs like PCP or methadone. This can be quite irritating and, at times, even cause a very damaging result, especially when the positive result is detected during crucial times like before employment, when facing legal issues, or during probation time.

If you face this situation, it is important not to panic. It is possible to get a false positive, and you have a way to rectify the situation where there was a misunderstanding. The first thing that has to be done is to notify the testing authority or employer about your use of Nyquil or similar drugs. However, if this does not work or if your reputation, job, or legal situation is on the line, hiring a criminal defense lawyer can be a game-changer.

At Foos Gavin Law Firm, our Sacramento attorneys will assist you in arguing about the admissibility of the drug test, demand a more comprehensive test, and provide proof of your legal use of medication. We will fight for you to avoid a wrong penalty due to an incorrect test. As a victim of a false positive, you risk losing your freedom or source of income. Hiring us guarantees you are protected and that the matter is rightfully handled. Call us today at 916-779-3500 for further assistance.